The Feast of Saint Valentine
February 12, 2018The Feast of Saint Valentine….or Valentine’s Day as it is more widely known!I have read all sorts of stories about Valentine’s Day, where the celebrat...

Lunchtime Adventures
January 16, 2018Choose Your Own Lunchtime AdventuresI didn’t mind a ‘choose your own adventure book’ when I was a kid, and then re-reading it and trying to exhaust ev...

Holiday Craft
December 23, 2017There’s so much fun to be had with young people, especially during the school holidays, and craft and cooking are right at the top of my list. ...

A little bit more about me…
November 24, 2017Hello my fellow foodies, fans, friends and aspiring chefs. You may have read my intro section on the website and you have probably seen me on MasterCh...

Golden Moments
November 22, 2017Walking back into the kitchen to meet the new recruits for season nine of MasterChef Australia held both a familiar calm and an anxiety-inducing rumbl...

Avo Shaping, Without The Waste!
November 16, 2017I love avocado! Along with the rest of the world, I’m totally consuming avocados in record numbers – I’ve always loved them, but definitely more than ...

Recipes like diets are a guide only…
November 3, 2017…variables include: oven brand, temperature and hotspots, ingredients- ripeness, sweetness, fat quantity etc. and, diets are not a one size fits all a...

Ingredient No. 123456789
November 3, 2017Here’s a thought… well, a few, in the form of questions…How long does it take you to read the ingredients on the back of a food product bottle, jar or...

Life Since MasterChef
November 2, 2017It has been an awesomely busy 12 months absolutely chocka-block-full of rewarding work, tremendous opportunities, wonderful people, fascinating places...

A little more of what I care about…
November 2, 2017I feel privileged to have been born in a country with such an abundance of natural produce, which we all seem to hold so much respect for, so it is pa...

Since Masterchef…
October 23, 2017In the 12 months since MasterChef Elena hasn’t stopped! She is a woman on a mission – to inspire and educate all her fellow foodies to find sustainabl...

I have a complicated relationship with my body
October 10, 2017Doesn’t that sound familiar?! It is such a heartbreakingly common statement that I know so many of us can relate to. I’ve gone through emotional and p...

Macleay Valley Food Bowl (Part 1)
September 9, 2017Landing in the evening at Port Macquarie airport, I was immediately taken back to holidays spent with my cousin who grew up there. While I couldn’t se...