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Family Food, Fancy Food, Fast Food, Fat Foot, Free Food

Vegan Mousse with Tangelo

Vegan Mousse I here you say?! Yes, it’s true! And… with Vegan Jellies too! With a hint or three of citrus and spice and all things nice!

For all you vegans out there, this is for you! For all you non-vegans that think they ‘couldn’t possibly’, you should try this! And for those of you who like to tease, make fun of or laugh at vegans – you should shut your mouth, with this dessert, and swallow hard because everyone deserves dessert!!! Right, let’s get into it!

As per usual, gluten free, grain free and refined sugar-free, this dessert may actually be too good, to be true! For other intolerant friendly desserts check out my Valentine’s Day entry.


Fast Food

A delicious Salmon Salad really does hit the spot.  The good fats in the salmon provide a slow energy release, have a great mouthfeel and really round just about any combination of vegetables together, beautifully.  This may not be the combination of vegetables you most recognise to pair with salmon, so why not give these a go – or any of your favourites for that matter – you’ll get the hang of these adventure lunchtimes in no time!

As a reminder, if you want to connect with your colleagues over a lunch break, make a Salmon Salad together or try out these others.

Lunchtime Adventures Ideas:

  1. Collaborative Cuisine (or a way funkier name for your faculty or department) – each person in your office brings an ingredient and one person per day makes everyone salads utilizing those ingredients.
  2. Family Build-A-Box – steam a little extra, chop a little extra, roast a little extra; buy and prep a little extra of all your separate ingredients for easy lunchbox assembly throughout the week, with enough variety to keep it interesting.
  3. Jar Salads – you’ve seen them before, so just do them! Put your heaviest and wettest ingredients at the bottom so when you turn it onto a plate, it’s already dressed, but not limp or soggy, because eww!
  4. Survival Kit Salads – keep some handy and super convenient, ready-to-go tins and jars of nutrient dense, flavour and texture-rich beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, and dukkah. Some emergency tuna in your desk drawer perhaps, for when those pesky meetings run overtime etc. Don’t skip the meal; just make it a little quicker than usual.
  5. Pot Luck Lunch – everyone brings their best dish to share with everyone else, simple is good, but be brave and try something new and, depending on the number of your staff, you could maybe just rotate a roster!

Family Food

I’m quite a fan of muesli, cereal or granola, on occasion. I don’t feel like it for months then all of a sudden I could eat it every day for four weeks.

But like you probably all know, there’s stacks on the market that are full of empty, junk carbs, loaded with sugar and so minimal in nutrient content they might actually be extracting it from us upon consumption. Not good!

But it doesn’t have to be like that, take control, have some fun and enjoy your cereal time with celebration and vigour because it’s full of nutrient-rich vitality and slowly releasing energy in the form of goods fats and proteins, to maintain your blood sugar levels. This is not a dish that will leave you feeling hangry! It’s great quality, so in general, you’re more satiated and desire less.

This granola is game-changing and you can make it!!! You can even gift it in beautiful glass jars or paper bags, so the recipients know it’s bespoke, special, homemade and just a little bit trendy. You’ll be printing your own branded labels and setting up a roadside community stand in no time! Get around this granola, get it into you and give it away! Let me know how you go!


Fat Foot

This Guilt-Free Choc Berry Bark is easy to make at home! This chocolate is free of additives and addictive, bad-for-you sugars! Get the kids involved for a fun day in the kitchen, making edibles gifts for your loved ones! All the enjoyment, none of the guilt! Just imagine, chocolate you can eat as often as you like, whenever you like, at any time of day – because it’s not going to spike your blood sugars!  Having said that, it’s so full of flavour, texture, and satisfaction, I doubt you’ll need very much to silence your cravings! Yes, healthy chocolate is possible and easy! You can easily flavour it to fit your most enjoyable flavours and textures.  You can add nuts, seeds or other berries – change it up – keep it interesting!  This Choc Berry Bark has pretty good longevity but keeps even longer in a container in the freezer, perfect for when temptation strikes you. Give it a go, let me know what you think, share your creations.


Family Food, Free Food

I love my Nan, I miss my Nan, and she was the greatest.

I have a lot of food memories shared with Nan and they all are thoroughly saturated with her kindness and gentleness.  So saturated that if I wring them out, even a little, joyful tears well in my eyes, enough to fill an ocean if I let them.

My Nan was an incredible family cook; the wife of a butcher and four hungry children, there was always lots of food and generosity wherever she was. 

My Dad has told me stories about her baking six large apple pies ready Saturday at 4 pm, and the three older boys would devour them by the Sunday evening. 

She had a big chest freezer when I was a kid that her canaries sat on top of; you had to move the cage to get in. The contents included the old 1L Blue Ribbon vanilla ice-cream container, which was a rare treat from my usual sugar-free ice-confection; my clever Mum could recognise very early on I had an issue with sugar. It was always stocked, full of par-cooked meals ready to heat up for family and friends visiting. I often got to help with whatever she was batch cooking, which I adored.

But some of my most favourite moments with Nan were the more intimate ones, the ones between just her and I.  I cherish those moments especially. Soft-boiled eggs with toast soldiers were often on the menu when I would sleep over. I remember the muted apple green ceramic plates with deep-ridged edging, the tiny teaspoons a perfect fit for my tiny mouth – I still take great joy using her cutlery today. How did she make toast cut into long rectangles seem so magical, fun and just for me? Their vague soldier-like appearance conjured up imagery of The Queen’s Guard with their big fluffy hats. I guess they almost created a rectangular silhouette if you squinted your eyes. A fitting image seeing as I always thought my Nan and the Queen shared similarities in appearance as well as poise and grace.

I never had a problem with eating, and I wasn’t particularly fussy so the entertainment provided wasn’t to encourage me to ‘eat my greens’ so to speak. It was pure joyful interaction, for fun, with love.

I don’t have it once a week these days, but I cannot have soft-boiled eggs in cute little cups and toast, without cutting it into soldiers and enjoy a good old dip.

There are lots of methods for boiling eggs just the way you like them. My preference is for soft boiled and I choose the method, which has the least variables, therefore most consistent result. I don’t say at room temperature for no reason, this is one of the variables you regain control of because each fridge and location they’re kept can be different. 

If you’re a fridge-egg-keeper, take them out earlier than you need them. I’d recommend where possible getting your eggs from friends’ chickens or farmer’s markets where you know they’re pastured and free to open range – the fresher the better. 

Fresh eggs are easier to peel. Plunging the room temp eggs into boiling water then dropping them in cold and bringing them to the boil also helps shock the internals away from the membrane and shell, making them again, easier to peel. Check it out below:


Fast Food

When you choose to purchase and eat your fruit and vegetables seasonally, you will often find there are often days, weeks, even months of an abundance of more than one of them. One season, every friend and neighbour of ours received a pumpkin as a gift, from our little backyard patch and we still had stacks spare. Eating one thing cooked the same way can give you flavour fatigue, it’s a thing, I’m sure. I think it also possibly extends to texture fatigue. Who wants pumpkin soup every day for a month?! Not when you can roast it, put chunks into curries, thinly slice and grill it, change the cuisine profile and be use a knife and fork once in a while… Variety is after all, the spice of life – spices both savoury and sweet compliment pumpkin tremendously by the way.

Excess and abundance is often when creativity is born. How many ways can you skin a carrot? Carrot skin chips are quite delicious too, a little olive oil and salt, on a single layer, in at 80-100° degrees for about 60 minutes – great for roasts or an alternative to croutons! I’m distracted now… Let’s think about a week of cooking for the family, housemates, yourself or your partner.

Maybe you blanched a whole stack of snow peas and asparagus to go along with your salmon steaks; it’d be easy to quickly put some on ice to keep them crispy and vibrant. Did you buy whole celery? Leaves and tips straight into a soup base. Tougher bottom section can be slowly braised and the gorgeous middle bits can become snacking sticks. You purchased seven eggplants but the recipe you’re making only requires four… oh the dilemma! Why not roast all of them together and put some aside for this delicious dip?

All of these items are already in your fridge. Ready and waiting for that unexpected visitor who didn’t have lunch but can’t stay for dinner. Less than 2 minutes later you’re serving up a roasted eggplant dip with three different green veggies sticks for scooping and dipping. A few veggies never spoiled anyone’s dinner or diet. But they certainly allowed you the freedom to sit down, have a chat, share a snack whilst keeping it healthy and utilising what may have been a sad bunch of limp, fridge drawer, veggies that required a swift free throw into the bin at the end of the week.

No visitors, no problem, dip for dinner – done!


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